Monday, October 25, 2010

Sage Adonix: cast iron and steel giant New Century

Shanghai Baosteel Resources Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in iron and steel scrap steel, consumption of materials procurement, processing, sale and dismantling of scrapped vehicles is the only company in Shanghai have broken a qualified specialist. In accordance with the construction of modern environment-friendly auto scrap processing business requirements, intended to invest in modern life vehicle dismantling lines, 400 thousand tons of production line and the broken scrap the 3-ton deep water wharf, yard facilities.
Chongming, Shanghai Xinhua Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. is located in Xinhe Town, the executive management of resources belonging to steel, is a capacity of more than 70,000 years of dismantling large-scale light tons of ship-breaking business. According to ship-breaking industry trends, plans to build 200,000 light years dismantling tons dock. Yet even such enterprises in information technology there are also many problems, until they introduced Sage Adonix system solved all the problems began.
Problem 1
Business partners is not standardized, there is no uniform coding system for the basic and only financial software flow number, and there is no clear division of suppliers and customers, business partners and other properties.
For all business partners were in different sub-code for identification. Uniform coding rules. To suppliers, customers and carriers and other business partners of a different nature to do centralized management of another nature clear.
Implementation Effect
Enhance the user of the suppliers and customers centralized management and data sharing. Intuitive and can be encoded quickly identify the properties of business partners. Procurement, sales, inventory department, it can improve efficiency.
Problem 2
As the industry's peculiarities, there is no uniform coding system for product management, the same material in different sectors have different definitions, resulting in a very non-standard products, management, use and inquiries to great inconvenience.
According to the different operations, all the products under central planning. In particular sectors of the same product in different stages of the definition of unity. Type of product through the system functions to classify a product with a different code identifies the different types of products. Development of systems of material code system.
Implementation Effect
Systematic and effective product was classified management, basic unified product at a certain stage of Ding Yi, for end users and management to greatly increase the efficiency in the work of Geng Wei convenient.
Problem 3
Special accounting code management: For products, suppliers and customers with different accounting classification code management.
Sage Adonix system accounting code feature on the different types of products, business partners can be different types of management. For a system in Baosteel products (steel scrap and scrap vehicles and their parts) were cut as raw materials, semi-homemade, cut material, and finished goods to be classified. Business partners suppliers and customers respectively define the appropriate accounting code.
Implementation Effect
Automatically generate accounting documents for the foundation, and meet future business partners, Baosteel system of financial analysis requirements.
Problem 4
Management of different types of products: products for the scrap class is now basically no one to rely on a technology no longer maintain and support the development of the platform in FOXFRO measured in pounds room. Vehicles for waste collection and accessories are sold exclusively rely on manual and paper-based document delivery.
As special business, decided to scrap all of the storage of scrap steel were measured to be weighed before they can confirm their specific weight. Existing features in Sage Adonix we adopted on the basis of secondary development of the system purchase orders and sales of existing single shipment as the interface to the original single pound, said metering system and Sage Adonix system integration into an organic whole. Warehouse personnel Sage Adonix system for single-pass to open weighed metering system, as long as the operating room personnel pound measurement system, after weighing the data is automatically written to Sage Adonix system. For waste collection vehicles will be imported as a purchase order interface, through the development and the Shanghai Municipal waste vehicle recycling center system connected to the recycling center of the original paper document with the information passed completely through the system.
Implementation Effect
Not only the pound system has been upgraded room, while greatly improving the work efficiency, time billing weighing completed within 30 seconds. Pound house originally independent systems integration to the entire business process. And recycling center interface greatly reduces the intermediate links. Make recycling centers are basically real-time information can be sent to Baosteel system to.
Problem 5
Because the different modes of transport caused by different business approach. Steel scrap storage time in the procurement staff through quality control testing to identify their different levels, while shipping and car transport as the different modes of transport were carried out at different time points classification quality control, shipping can be directly loading unloading at the pier when grading, and transport vehicles will have to enter the yard unloading of vehicles can be rated by the quality control personnel.
Baosteel system in our car for the shipping and transport scrap steel in two different ways to take a different treatment. A first virtual car transport scrap grade, weighing application to establish a single, entered the yard to be unloaded vehicle weight again when quality control results according to quality control personnel backfill. Scrap shipping is a quality inspector to conduct quality control directly in the terminal classification, open weighing application form, and then transported to yard discharge.
Implementation Effect
Baosteel resources to meet the company's scrap operations handling different transport mode, greatly reducing manual billing of the intermediate links, to avoid manual errors. Strengthening management.
Problem 6
All the time in the procurement of warehouse set in the storage of specific grades of scrap are mixed after the heap, all the grades in the warehouse, whether to cut or shear to be cut are collectively referred to as raw material.
Using the system of production work order before storage and storage for the grade change after the virtual processing.灏嗕笉鍚岀殑鍝佺骇鐨勫簾閽㈠畾涔変笉鍚岀増鏈殑BOM琛紝鍚屾椂瀹氫箟宸ュ簭鍙婁笉鍚岀増鏈殑宸ヨ壓璺嚎锛屼娇鍏剁浉瀵瑰簲锛岀浜屽ぉ灏嗘墍鏈夊墠涓?ぉ鍏ュ簱鐨勫悇鍝佺骇鐨勫簾閽㈤?杩囧伐鍗曞皢鍏惰浆鎹㈡垚鍓垏鍘熸枡銆?br />Implementation Effect
銆??閿?敭銆侀噰璐环鏍肩鐞嗭細姣忔湀閮戒細鍒跺畾涓嶅悓鐨勪环鏍艰〃锛屽苟涓斾細闅忕潃閽㈡潗甯傚満鐨勬尝鍔ㄩ殢鏃跺鍏惰繘琛屼慨鏀广?浠锋牸瀹氫环鍙傛暟鍙拰浜у搧鏈夊叧銆?br />Solutions
Implementation Effect

銆??瀵逛簬杩愯緭鐨勮溅杈嗚繘琛岀鐞嗭紝姣忓ぉ鎵?湁鐨勮嚜鏈夎溅杈嗗潎瑕佸湪寮?浣滀笟鍓嶅厛鍥炵毊鏂瑰彲杩涘叆鍫嗗満浣滀笟銆?br />Solutions
Implementation Effect
銆??瑙勮寖浜嗗杩愯緭杞﹁締鐨勭鐞嗭紝涔熶负鐢熶骇閮ㄥ埗浣滆繍璐规姤琛ㄦ彁渚涗簡渚垮埄銆?br />銆??瀛樺湪闂9
銆??鍦ㄩ噰璐鍗曞缓绔嬬殑鍚屾椂灏辨槸瀵硅溅杈嗙殑璐ㄦ璁板綍鐨勮繃绋嬶紝鍚屾椂鍦ㄧ‘瀹氱己浠舵儏鍐电殑鍚屾椂绯荤粺鑷姩鍒嗛厤涓?釜搴忓垪缁欐杞︼紝瀵逛簬姹借溅鍜屾懇鎵樿溅绯荤粺鍒嗗埆閲囩敤涓嶅悓鐨勫簭鍒楁爣璇嗙锛屾苯杞︿互Q寮?ご锛屾懇鎵樿溅浠寮?ご銆傞厤浠剁殑搴忓垪鍙峰湪鎷嗚В鍏ュ簱鏃剁郴缁熶細鑷姩璧嬩簬涓?釜浠ヨ溅杈嗗簭鍒楀彿寮?ご鍐嶅姞涓や綅鍚庣紑鐨勪竴涓暱杈?0浣嶇殑閰嶄欢搴忓垪鍙枫?杩欐牱鍙互鐩存帴浠庡簭鍒楀彿涓婅拷韪埌鏄摢閮ㄨ溅涓婃媶瑙d笅鏉ョ殑閰嶄欢銆?br />Implementation Effect
銆??寰堝ぇ绋嬪害涓婃柟渚夸簡浜哄憳鐨勬搷浣滐紝鎵?湁搴忓垪鍙风郴缁熻嚜鍔ㄥ垎閰嶏紝鎻愰珮宸ヤ綔鏁堢巼锛屼究浜庣粺璁°?杩借釜銆?br />銆??瀛樺湪闂10
銆??鍦ㄥ疂閽㈢郴缁熶腑鎴戜滑涓撻棬鍙﹁寮?彂涓?釜宸ュ崟褰曞叆鐣岄潰锛屼互鍑忓寲杞﹁締鎷嗚В鐨勭郴缁熸搷浣溿?鏍规嵁涓嶅悓鐨勬媶瑙f柟寮忥紝鍦ㄨ〃澶磋繘琛岄?鎷╋紝濡傛灉鏄浂鎷嗙殑鏂瑰紡锛屾垜浠彲浠ラ?鎷╅攢鍞鍗曞悓鏃剁敓鎴愬伐鍗曪紝鏈夋晥鍚庣郴缁熻嚜鍔ㄨ繘琛岄厤浠剁殑鍏ュ簱銆傚悓鏃惰溅杈嗕笉娑堣?銆傚湪鏁存媶鏃跺彲浠ラ?鎷╂媶瑙g殑搴忓垪鍙凤紝鏈夋晥鍚庨厤浠跺叆搴擄紝鍚屾椂杞﹁締鍑忓皯銆?br />Implementation Effect
銆??婊¤冻浜嗘媶杞﹁溅闂寸殑瀹為檯涓氬姟鐨勫鐞嗭紝澶уぇ鍑忓寲浜嗘搷浣滄楠わ紝鎻愰珮浜嗗伐浣滄晥鐜囷紝鍚屾椂涔熶娇钀ラ攢閮ㄥ拰鎷嗚溅杞﹂棿淇℃伅鍏变韩锛屽噺灏戜簡浜哄伐寮?崟鐨勯敊璇?鍔犲己浜嗗姹介厤浠剁殑绠$悊銆?br />銆??瀛樺湪闂11
銆??Sage Adonix绯荤粺鎻愪緵浜嗗鍏徃澶氬湴鐐圭殑澶勭悊鍔熻兘锛屽湪瀹濋挗绯荤粺涓紝宕囨槑鍜岀洓妗ュ潎浣滀负涓?釜鍦扮偣瀛樺湪浜庡疂閽㈣祫婧愬叕鍙镐笅闈?
Implementation Effect
銆??澶氬叕鍙稿鍦扮偣渚夸簬杩涜绠$悊锛屽苟涓斾篃绗﹀悎鐜版湁鐨勭粍缁囧舰寮忥紝瑙勫垝鍚堢悊锛屾湁鏁堝疄鐜板疄闄呭簲鐢ㄨ繃绋嬬殑浜嬪姟瑙勮寖绠$悊銆?br />銆??瀛樺湪闂12
銆??绯荤粺涓彁渚涗簡澶氱涓嶅悓鐨勬垚鏈绠楁柟寮忥紝鎴戜滑閫夋嫨骞冲潎鎵规鎴愭湰锛岃繖鏍风殑缁撴灉鏈?帴杩戝疄闄呯湡瀹炵殑鎴愭湰銆?br />Implementation Effect
銆??绯荤粺鑷姩杩涜浜у搧鎴愭湰鐨勮绠楋紝澶уぇ鍑忓皯浜嗘渶缁堢敤鎴风殑鎵嬪伐璁$畻宸ヤ綔锛屽湪閿?敭鎴愭湰涓郴缁熶細鑷姩甯﹀嚭锛屼篃鎻愰珮浜嗗噯纭?銆?br />銆??瀛樺湪闂13
銆??绯荤粺涓浜庝骇鍝佺殑绠$悊鍙互杩涜鐘舵?鎺у埗锛屽湪鏀惰揣鏃舵垜浠皢鎵?湁鐨勮溅杈嗗潎涓?amp;quot;Q"鐘舵?锛屼竴鑸湪涓夊ぉ杩囧悗灏嗗叾杞崲涓?amp;quot;A"鐘舵?銆?br />Implementation Effect
銆??婊¤冻浜嗚川妫?儴鍜屽洖鏀朵腑蹇冪害瀹氱殑涓夊ぉ鍚庢媶瑙g殑闂锛岃?涓斾竴鐩簡鐒剁殑缁熻鍑烘湁澶氬皯杞﹁締鍙互鎷嗚В銆備娇鎷嗚溅杞﹂棿鍜岃川妫?儴杈惧埌浜嗕俊鎭殑鍏变韩銆?br />銆??瀛樺湪闂14
銆??搴熼挗缁撶畻鏄牴鎹竴涓樁娈佃繘琛屼竴娆★紝鍏堝紑缁撶畻鍗曠粰渚涘簲鍟嗭紝鐒跺悗渚涘簲鍟嗘牴鎹粨绠楀崟寮?嵁鍙戠エ銆?br />Solutions
Implementation Effect
銆??瀵逛簬涓嶅悓鐨勫鎴疯繘琛屼笉鍚岀殑淇$敤鎺у埗銆?br />Solutions
銆??閫氳繃淇$敤棰濆害鐨勬暣浣撴帶鍒跺拰棰勬敹甯愭鐨勬帶鍒讹紝瀵瑰凡缁忚秴杩囦俊鐢ㄩ搴︾殑瀹㈡埛鎴栬?棰勬敹娆炬湭鍒板笎鐨勮鍗曪紝鎺у埗鍙戣揣銆?br />Implementation Effect
銆??婊¤冻璐㈠姟鐨勭粨绠楅渶姹傦紝鏂逛究璐㈠姟绠$悊銆?br />銆??瀛樺湪闂16
銆??鎶ヨ〃瑕佹眰绻佹潅銆?br />Solutions
銆??鍩轰簬瀵规渶缁堢敤鎴烽渶姹傜殑鏀堕泦锛屽埄鐢⊿age Adonix涓嶤rystal Report鐨勭伒娲荤粨鍚堝姛鑳斤紝鍒朵綔浜嗗ぇ閲忓鎴峰寲鐨勬姤琛ㄣ?
Implementation Effect
銆??鐏垫椿銆佸己澶х殑鎶ヨ〃鍒朵綔宸ュ叿锛屼负瀹㈡埛鍖栨姤琛ㄧ殑鍒朵綔鎻愪緵浜嗘湁鍔涚殑鏀寔锛屽悓鏃惰繖浜涙姤琛ㄤ篃浠庡彟涓?柟闈㈡樉钁楀寮轰簡绠$悊灞傜殑缁熻鍒嗘瀽锛屼粠涓?畾绋嬪害涓婂姞寮轰簡浼佷笟鐨勭鐞嗐?浼楁墍鍛ㄧ煡锛屽疂閽綔涓轰笂娴峰競閲嶇偣澶у瀷宸ヤ笟浼佷笟瀵逛簬鍚堜綔浼欎即鐨勬寫閫変竴璐弗鏍硷紝鑰屾娆¢?鐢ㄤ簡Sage Adonix绯荤粺鍒欏啀涓?璇佹槑浜嗗叾鐫挎櫤鐨勭溂鍏夛紝骞跺彇寰椾簡鑹ソ鐨勬晥鏋滐細鏇村ソ鐨勯?搴斿競鍦虹珵浜夛紝鎻愬崌浼佷笟绠$悊灞傛鍜岀鐞嗗舰璞★紱浣夸笟鍔℃祦銆佹暟鎹祦銆佷俊鎭祦銆佸崟鎹祦涓?綋鍖栧悓姝ヨ繘琛岋紱涓氬姟澶勭悊鐨勫疄鏃舵?鍜屽強鏃舵?锛涘仴鍏ㄥ畬鍠勪簡鍏徃璐㈠姟鍔熻兘鍜屼細璁℃牳绠椾綋绯伙紱涓氬姟澶勭悊涓庝細璁℃牳绠楀悓姝ュ畬鎴愶紱淇℃伅鏈?ぇ绋嬪害涓婄殑璺ㄩ儴闂ㄥ叡浜紝娑堥櫎淇℃伅瀛ゅ矝銆?br />銆??鍦ㄦ柊涓栫邯浠ヤ俊鎭寲甯﹀姩宸ヤ笟鍖栫殑娴疆涓紝瀹濋挗鍑?鐫?叾涓?疮鐨勯珮鏍囧噯涓ヨ姹傚啀娆¤蛋鍦ㄤ簡鏃朵唬鐨勬氮灏栵紝鑰屽叾寰楃泭浜嶴age Adonix涓撲笟鍝佽川鍜屼紭璐ㄦ湇鍔$殑妗堜緥锛屼篃涓洪挗閾佽涓氱殑淇℃伅鍖栧簲鐢ㄦ爲绔嬩簡鍏歌寖锛屾垜浠湡寰呯潃鍍忚繖鏍风殑寮哄己鑱旀墜鑳藉鍦ㄨ秺鏉ヨ秺澶氱殑淇℃伅鍖栧缓璁句腑鏅強寮?潵锛佸崕鎷撶鐞嗚蒋浠?Sage Adonix)鍏徃锛屾槸娉曞浗鏈?ぇ鐨勭鐞嗚蒋浠跺埗閫犲拰鏈嶅姟鎻愪緵鍟嗭紝鍏ㄧ悆涓夊ぇ绠$悊杞欢鍒堕?浼佷笟涔嬩竴銆?br />銆??鑷繘鍏ヤ腑鍥藉ぇ闄嗗競鍦轰互鏉ヨ嚧鍔涗簬涓哄鎴锋彁渚涢珮璐ㄩ噺鐨勮蒋浠跺拰鏈嶅姟銆傚崕鎷撶鐞嗕俊鎭鎶?涓婃捣)鏈夐檺鍏徃鏄叾鍦ㄤ腑鍥界殑鍒嗘敮鏈烘瀯,鑷村姏浜庢帹骞垮浗闄呭厛杩涚殑绠$悊鎬濇兂鍦ㄤ腑鍥戒紒涓氫腑鐨勭壒鑹插寲杩愮敤锛屽埄鐢╔3绯荤粺鐨勬爣鍑嗗寲鍔熻兘鍜屽彲寮?彂鍖栧钩鍙帮紝鎻愪緵浠?锛?鍘熷垯涓哄熀纭?殑浼佷笟涓?綋鍖栬В鍐虫柟妗堬紝甯姪涓浗鐨勪紒涓氬疄鐜?0%鐨勪笟鍔℃爣鍑嗗寲鍜?0%鐨勪笟鍔′釜鎬у寲绠$悊锛屾垚灏辨瘡涓紒涓氱殑绠$悊淇℃伅鍖栵紝淇℃伅娴佺▼鍖栵紝娴佺▼鑷姩鍖栫殑绠$悊姊︽兂銆?br />


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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Baidu will increase the proportion into win-win situation with the station

26 am, Baidu Union summit in its network of alliance formally announced the promotion into the proportion of increase, and the formation of the "global marketing" system. Chuda Chen, general manager of Baidu Union announced the "three step" covers benefits, services, three major aspects of growth, to help partners to achieve the business survive, grow and establish a brand in various stages of development needs.

It is understood that, in order to allow partners to focus more on their own development, Baidu alliance will enhance the product based on the liquidity and further enhance the network of alliance to promote sharing ratio, into an average of 10-15 percent ratio, the more proceeds to the partners. In addition, services with alliance partners for the development of high-speed, Baidu Union, according to the different stages of partners provide a range of differentiated services: Baidu Baidu Union coalition partners can be obtained by advanced techniques such as Baidu Aladdin platform to support, but also Advertising Manager by Baidu, Baidu statistics, free high-quality and convenient tools to monitor their site traffic optimization, advertising management, operations and ultimately reduce costs and increase revenue results. In addition, the Baidu Union also provided Herald Tribune, "Union Chi" and other value-added services for the alliance partners to provide a platform for exchange of information, information obtained through. Partners in the future to meet its growth needs, Baidu Union was established to help Internet Entrepreneurs Club partners own businesses, the promotion of social work; Baidu's accession to the integrity of association, Baidu Union, 365 initiated by the blue sky action, clean industry, environment, industry norms, enhance their brand partners to sustainable development; the same time, the establishment of "Ivy" growth plan to help business partners for the Union to promote optimal training for company management Mini MBA training, operational management for the site specific training (eg Baidu Statistics, butler Baidu advertising, SEM, etc.); In addition, the Baidu Union, League of Love created public platform, to help partners achieve business CSR, to enhance their brand image.

Baidu regard that, Google evacuate the mainland of China, the domestic market will generate turbulence Network Alliance, Baidu Union to actively help partners and regulators to create a means of income, its value and fully reflects the style of its leadership.

Chuda Chen, general manager of Baidu Union, said Baidu Union released the 2010 policy is not only a strategy of adjustment, it is the responsibility of the play.

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Railway Station and Parcel Information Management System Yan Feng Technology luggage room for the operation of the railway station and the management process design and development. The system uses Microsoft Windws 2000 operating system, SQL Server 2000 large databases. Luggage room in the daily operations it provides a good networking platform for luggage office of scientific management to provide a new means to improve service quality for the luggage office, to share resources and information on public and enhance the building of the station's information play an important role.
System function
1, line packs votes
Parcel ticket system main function (line package) system, votes, ballots, invalid ballots and delete votes processing, transport point of treatment. Including mileage calculation billing
Second, the delivery
Parcel delivery of the main function entry, and more / fewer pieces of processing, transit handling, baggage and parcel delivery, registered mail delivery, inspection burden inspection, change the transport, such as overdue library transfer
Third, take car
Main function is connected to cars, car entry, car access statistics.
4, transaction processing
The main function of transaction processing for customers handling of the objection, cable processing, reporting statistical treatment, daily treatment.
5, Statistics
Statistics for the line of the main functions, including traffic statistics, the group votes in statistics, data conversion, financial statements 4
6, the query
Query main function is the starting-line pack up and check, check rates, station name inquiry, name inquiry, trips inquiries, telegraph inquiries, registered mail inquiries. Ways to search for: telephone inquiries, web query, Touching Screen Query, mobile phone information interaction
7, the customer
Customer main function for the customer input, customer demographics, customer inquiries, etc., mainly large luggage room better grasp the importance of customer information to facilitate communication and exchange
8, system maintenance
The main function of system maintenance staff maintenance, customer maintenance, notebook maintenance, station name maintenance, stop / limit to do maintenance, name maintenance, packaging maintenance and so on.
First, software architecture
顥?顥?Parcel Information Management System is a typical database-based client / server architecture model of the system. In this structural model, the database server for the client application to provide services that include inquiry, update, transaction management, indexing, caching, query optimization, security management, and multi-user concurrent access control.
Second, network operations
顥?顥?using Windows NT 4.0 Server, and Windows98 is a good combination. That more than 32 tasks, multi-threaded network operating system has good portability and scalability, but also has wide compatibility, supporting the existing file system (FAT, HPFS, CDFS, NTFS); use of advanced client / server model, distributed computing support; security to the provisions of the U.S. government's C2-level security standards; network throughput has increased significantly; in the Internet / Intranet, the built-in WWW browser, Internet Explorer, Internet e-mail client Mail and newsgroups reader Internet News, for publishing WWW services; and provide a variety of network interfaces, it can be connected to different networks, and interact with different computers. The most direct reason is that the user is familiar with the Windows user interface, easy to install, easy to use, its application is quite extensive, more suited to the needs of customers running package system.
Third, the network database
顥ヮ棩閫夋嫨 SQL 2000 SERVER鏁版嵁搴撴槸涓?釜楂樻?鑳姐?澶氱敤鎴枫?鍏崇郴鍨嬫暟鎹簱绠$悊妯″紡锛岃兘澶熷疄鐜扮綉缁滅幆澧冧笅鏁版嵁搴撲箣闂翠簰杩炪?浜掓搷浣滐紝鍏锋湁鏁版嵁瀹归敊銆佸畬鏁存?妫?煡鍜屽畨鍏ㄤ繚瀵嗙瓑鍔熻兘锛屼娇鏁翠釜缃戠粶鏁版嵁搴撴洿鍔犲悎鐞嗐?
顥ヮ棩涓昏鏄洜涓鸿鍖呮埧鐨勪笅灞炲悇鑱旇惀鐐瑰湴鐞嗕綅缃垎鏁o紝璺濈杞︾珯琛屽寘鎴胯緝杩滐紝鎺ュ叆杞︾珯缃戠涓績鏄釜闅剧偣闂銆傜患鍚堣?铏戣仈钀ョ偣闇?浼犺緭鐨勬暟鎹噺涓嶅ぇ鍙婄鐢ㄤ笓鐢ㄧ嚎璺殑浠锋牸鍥犵礌绛夛紝鎴戜滑閲囩敤鎷ㄥ彿鎺ュ叆锛屽嵆閫氳繃鎷ㄦ墦鐢佃瘽鐨勬柟寮忓埄鐢ㄧ數璇濈嚎杩涜鏁版嵁浼犺緭銆傚叾鎴愭湰璐圭敤浣庯紝缁忔祹鍙銆?br />浜斻?绯荤粺缁撴瀯鍥?br />


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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

PC giant brewing group prices: Three reasons support

Lead: Acer recently vice president and general manager of Taiwan operations headquarters to Shanghai Commercial News Linxian Lang said that the recent panel, DRAM costs, prices for a lot of pressure laptop and notebook computers are brewing "contrarian prices."

Similarly, ASUS also has some echoes. Asustek Computer chief operating officer, said Tony Chen, the Shanghai Commercial News, even though prices of laptops are not, at least the price decline gradually slowdown.

Computer prices far-fetched it?


Reasons for a price increase

The darkest moment in the history of

Lenovo, Asus performance loss, Hewlett-Packard, Dell dropped the performance, it was said that now is the PC industry's darkest period.

By the end of May, Lenovo Group's 2008/2009 annual financial reports to hand over the full year net loss 226 million U.S. dollars, is not only the largest association in the history of losses, but also its first full year loss in 10 years. Lenovo's predicament is the PC industry, "winter" true portrayal. Examine the financial statements under the association, the data show: one in January ~ March of this year's fourth quarter loss was 264 million U.S. dollars, this is a fiscal year loss of 226 million U.S. dollars for important reasons. Black hand behind this is of course the biggest global financial crisis triggered by the weak consumer demand.

Lenovo not only from last year, almost all the world's PC giant is mired in a slowdown, falling profits quagmire.

Asustek Computer announced fourth-quarter results of 2008, net loss of 2.798 billion Taiwan dollars (about 82.24 million U.S. dollars), the company set up its first loss in 19 years. Net profit of NT compared with 7.23 billion yuan last year fell 93.7%.

The most direct competitor Lenovo Acer's consolidated revenue in the first quarter of about 3.54 billion U.S. dollars, net profit of 60.29 million U.S. dollars, down 31.2% over the same period last year.

HP, the world's oldest PC in the second quarter (February 1 ~ April 31) net profit fell 17%, which is mainly responsible for PC business of personal systems group revenue was 8.2 billion U.S. dollars, down 19% year on year, operating profit 374 million U.S. dollars, up more than 30% down also.

Founder Technology announced fiscal year 2008 net profit fell more than 40%, HEDY Computer fiscal year 2008 revenues fell 32.71%.

Affected by downstream manufacturers, even the processor giant Intel's first quarter revenue also fell 26% year over year, net profit is down 55% as much as the financial crisis impact was so strong, has exceeded industry expectations.

Reason 2 prices

Upstream parts prices

It is understood that the memory, hard drives are in the prices, but gains were less than 5%, for the time being does not significantly affect the PC.

The cost of LCD panels in PC machine account for about 30%, is the single highest proportion of parts, if the LCD panel prices to increase 20% to 30%, then the price is bound to be up computer. From the industry to provide a data, in May there is indeed a liquid crystal panel transaction price rose slightly, but the 5% price increase should not have much of the terminal.

From a professional IT media editors have expressed their views, the panel will not be up limited impact on the market, the market should also be concerned that the CPU price changes as INTEL CPU market was almost monopolized by the situation makes the company lost its bargaining rights. PC makers are held by margins almost INTEL hands.

Reason 3 prices

Selling computer than to sell Chinese cabbage

In point of agricultural products wholesale market approval cabbage, and then sold to small farms, low gross margin of 30% is 100% higher. The profits of selling the computer to be much lower. With the sudden emergence of Acer Netbook Shipments in 2008 more than 50% growth is expected in two or three quarters later than the Dell, and advanced to the second-largest computer maker. However, Acer's profit? Tell embarrassment, gross profit margin of 6%, 7%, net profit is only about 2% -3%.

Running capacity, making small profits is a common problem in this industry. Dell's fiscal 2009 revenues at 61 billion in earned 3.6 billion U.S. dollars, net profit of only 6%.

Huge investment, the outlook uncertain. Many PC makers have been unable to support, brewing out of the market. Japanese electronics maker NEC has well-known to the outside world, said it would withdraw from Japan's PC market. NEC has already announced its withdrawal from Africa, Europe and the Middle East market, decided to quit the Japanese market starting from July this year, implementation. NEC's decision to exit the PC market, largely based on the current poor economic situation and poor business conditions made. In the last fiscal year, NEC's losses reached 2.96 billion U.S. dollars, and even lay off 20,000 people worldwide since it is still impossible to improved performance.

Currently, NEC is still Japan's best-selling PC brand manufacturers, it sold in the country up to 2.5 million computers a year. But in other countries, NEC in large PC manufacturers and global meet Shique little bit competitive.

The operation of the market economy has its own laws, the company must find a way to make money for long periods, or simply out of the market, or to develop new re-planning the layout, or price increases to maintain normal operation of enterprises. From the PC industry's waning status of view, prices may indeed be forced quite upset.


Supply and demand determine market price

Prices easier said than done

PC business reason prices seem very good, but prices rose the most crucial factor is not still depends on market supply and demand. PC products is still a buyer's market, prices easier said than done.

According to research firm Gartner recently released data show that in the first quarter, global PC shipments of 67.2 million units, down 6.5% year on year. China's hardware market, Gartner principal analyst, said Ye Lei, from the major economic environment to see, PC industry growth in 2009 is expected to remain difficult, and may even still be down. JP Morgan also recently released report, the global economic recession curbed demand and prices, the global PC market in the third quarter of 2009 to recover after the expected PC sales in 2009 than in 2008, down 5%, PC sales than 2008, down 13%.

Shrinkage of the overall PC market, is an indisputable fact.

Acer's price increase is likely to become a "name? 鍛?Alexandra it." The Acer is a company must understand the price increases mean. If because of the expense of market share, improve profit margins, would be "harm than good."

Edit Comment:

The father of economics, Adam Smith once said: "Industry giants get together, if only drink tea, chat, and finally harm the public interest is always to reach consensus for the results." His book "The Wealth of Nations" There is such a classic in the observation: "in the same few people together, but their talks are not planning a conspiracy against the public is to cook up a scheme to deceive the public to raise prices." However, the benefits of competition is usually nothing came of this plan.


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